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2022 Junior Summer Sailing Courses now open for bookings


Before booking please take a moment to review the information below which should answer any questions that you may have.  Please note we cannot offer Junior courses to non-members or Grand children of members this year.


If at any time there is a suspected or/and case of COVID-19 confirmed among the sailors or Instructional Staff, all training will cease immediately and the relevant authorities will be notified.

 June, July & August 2022 Junior Course Offerings 

The RSGYC is continuing to step up its Summer Junior training programme with 2 week long  courses and clinics .  Members will be notified by email in advance of booking links going live.


Dates of 2022 Courses:

Course Alpha        June 7th – June 17th  (9 days €432)

Course Bravo        June 20th – July 1st  (10 days €480)

Course Charlie      July 4th – July 15th  (10 days €480)

Course Delta         July 18th – 29th   (10 days €480)

Course Echo          August 2nd – August 12th  (9 days €432)

The following  modules will be on offer:

  • Start Sailing. This is a 2 weeklong course. (age min 10 years)

This will be a sailors first formal sailing course. Sailors will now start sailing their own boats and learning the ropes. They will learn how to be safe on and off the water, develop their water confidence, and learn to sail a simple course all with assistance from the instructor.  

  • Basic Skills. This is a 2 weeklong course.

This course will progress from start sailing. Now that they can sail a basic courses, they will start to learn some Basic Skills. They will practice these manoeuvres and skills to further their confidence and develop their boat handling and wind awareness. They will further their abilities and learn to sail a windward/leeward with minimal assistance.

  • Improving Skills. This is a 2 weeklong course.

This course will progress from basic skills. Now that they have learned their basic skills, they can now start to Improve these skills. Not only do they improve these skills, but they will develop new boat handling abilities. The main objective from this course is to become a fully independent sailor capable of sailing in a Force 4.  

  • Advanced Boat Handling. This is a 2 weeklong course.

After sailors have proved their independence with winter/ evening training they can move onto Advanced Boat Handling. This course is not for the summer sailor as the boat handling and manoeuvres require a high level of skill and regular practice. By the end of this course sailors will be fully capable of sailing flat out in a Force 5 and deal with incidents that arise. 

  • Start Racing. This is a 2 weeklong course.

This course is an introduction to racing skills! Here sailors will learn all the basic information and boat handling abilities they need to compete in races at club and inter-club level. Start sequences, different classes, racing courses, strategies, and tactics will all be covered.

  • Adventure Skills. This is a 2 weeklong course.

This course will teach sailors new skills they will need in order to undertake longer trips and sail in stronger winds. This course will also develop a sailors sense of adventure and self-reliance. Sailors will learn the basics of chart work, pre-trip planning, equipment checks, and maintenance underway and ashore. Sailors will plan overnight trips with assistance from instructors.

Click here for full details from Irish Sailing on all of the above courses or for an RSGYC Summary Junior pathway 2020


Team Racing Clinics 

These clinics are geared at team racing beginners looking to find out what team racing is and how it works. It will be done in a fun environment and be focused on teaching these new skills to sailors. Sailors must be at an “improving skills” level and should be comfortable with tacks, gybes, beats, runs and able to efficiently sail a course. Ability to self-launch and recover after capsizing is essential. The training will have a heavy focus on starts, racing tactics/strategy, event preparation. Club Fireflies will be used.

Sea Squirts and Sea Tigers

Weekly courses will run from June 27th and end on the week commencing August 15th.  (5 days €170).

For our youngest sailors, Sea Squirts, 6 – 8 years of age there is no need to have their own boat – the use of a club boat is included in the price of the course.  When they reach 9, Sea Tigers, and have a suitable level of proficiency they can then begin to learn to transition to the various Irish Sailing modules and start completing their sailing passport.  At this stage a boat is a requirement and reliance on hiring a club boat should not be a given,  preference for rental of club boats will be given to Sea Squirts.  A boat, whether your own, rented or a club boat is a necessity – swapping in and out of boats is, sadly, a thing of the past!  

Sea Tigers can be offered to sailors from 8-10 years of age,  This course will be a taste to sailing with FUN on the water the main priority.  


There are strict pre-requisites for entering one of the above courses:

  • Rigging – It is imperative that sailors  are always able to rig their own boats themselves while maintaining the 2m social distancing and no contact, and very limited physical assistance can be given by Instructors.
  • The sailor must be mature enough to understand the concept and importance of social distancing.
  • There will be no changing/shower facilities and Sailors must be changed into sailing gear with sunscreen applied prior to arriving into the club.
  • Sailors will enter via the side gate where they will be met by the Instructor who will provide them with sanitization for their hands.
  • Face coverings are recommended while on the platform


  • All Sailors must check-in each day with their instructor prior to entering in order to facilitate contact tracing.
  • The sailors shall remain with their allocated group (‘Pod’) for the period of the session.

Briefings for Courses and Clinics

  • Briefings will take place on the platform outside with the Instructor while maintaining the mandatory 2m social distancing in their own zone. If a long debriefing or briefing is needed a zoom call will be set up.
  • The virtual sailing website Virtual Racing may be used for teaching purposes.

Launching and Returning to Base

  • Sailors attending the clinics will launch their own boats and the SI will stack the trollies.
  • All other non-clinic sailors will launch and stack their own trollies safely.
  • Returning to the club will be on a phased basis and managed by the SI while maintaining the 2m social distancing.

Food and water

  • Every sailor must bring their own water bottles filled and carry their own water bottles at all times both on and off the water. There is a water station at the Club as required.
  • Snack bags must be only carried by individual sailors and not given to instructors.

Communication with Parents

  • Communication will be maintained with Parents via Email/WhatsApp Groups.
  • If parents have any questions for instructors about their sailor’s progress or have any concerns this should be coordinated through SI by email
  • If the forecast is not suitable for sailing the parents will be contacted and asked not to drop down their sailors on that day.

Use of Club Facilities

  • There will be no access to club changing rooms for any sailors. 
  • Toilets are available
  • The instructor office will be for the sole use of the SI only.
  • No equipment is to be shared between sailors.
  • It is the responsibility of each sailor to ensure their equipment is in working order.
  • Anyone hiring a club boat will retain that boat for the duration of the course and collect/ check out the boat prior to Day 1.
  • If the forecast is not suitable for sailing or shore-based activities the parents will be contacted and asked not to drop down their sailors on that day.


Everyone must hand sanitize regularly and particular in the following circumstances:

  • When you arrive at the club
  • After coughing or sneezing
  • Before and after eating
  • Before and after being on public transport.
  • If your hands are dirty
  • After toilet use.

Social Distancing

  • Ensuring sailors and Instructors maintain 2-metre (2m) separation while sailing, on the platform.
  • Members must have travelled to the club with members of the same household or alone.
  • If travelling by public transport they should ensure they use their hand sanitizer prior to entry to the club.
  • If people cough / sneeze do so into sleeve or elbow, always cover up, dispose of tissues in a safe manner i.e. a suitable bin on site.
  • Key Control Measures – Symptoms Please do not attend the Club if you have any of the following symptoms – fever (temperature), cough, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties.


  • Disposable face masks should be disposed of safely in a bin at the end of the session and not thrown on the ground.
  • Cloth facial coverings should be placed in a plastic bag and washed in a hot wash prior to reuse.

Suspected COVID-19 Cases

  • Instructors and SI will monitor sailors at all times for symptoms of Covid-19.
  • If there is a suspected or/and case of COVID-19 confirmed among the sailors or Instructional Staff, all training will cease immediately and the relevant authorities will be notified.
  • Sailors should not attend a course if they are not feeling well or have any of the Covid- 19 Symptoms.
  • When signing up your sailor the completion/ agreement to the Covid- 19 Declaration is required 

On the water safety

  • If safety assistance is required for a sailor, prior to assistance by the instructor sailors should have their mask/face covering on 
  • After the assistance the instructor and the sailor should hand sanitize.
  • Management of an unpredicted gust – All sailors should sail into the pond and wait till the SI calls them ashore.

Additional Files


Junior Summer 2021 FAQ’s 


If you have any questions please email sailing@rsgyc.ie



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