Channel: Sailing News – Royal St George Yacht Club
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Boat Maintenance (Pre- Lift In)


Owners and contractors are permitted to work on their boats on a limited and pre-booked basis as follows:

Morning and Afternoon time slots will be allocated with a maximum of 2 persons permitted working on a boat at any time. Subject to availability, boat maintenance slots can now be booked up to 1700 on the preceding day.

In order to comply with Contact Tracing requirements and to ensure a safe environment for both members and staff, we would like to remind all members that all visits to the club during Phase 1 must be by pre-appointment and registration via the button below. 

Visitors seeking access to the club for either Sailing, Boat Maintenance or Meal Collection purposes and who have not pre-registered may not be permitted to the club or may face delay in accessing the club.

All booking must contain full details of all parties accessing the club and not just those of the lead person or member.

Your continued support & assistance in ensuring that the club remains a safe environment for all during this pandemic is greatly appreciated

Personal Responsibility:

  • Your decision to work on your boat must ensure that you do not put yourself, members of your household, fellow club members and or RSGYC staff members at risk.
  • Persons who are unable to maintain appropriate social distancing and or who are a higher risk category in terms of physical health should not visit the club at present.
  • Please stay home if you or any member of your household or recent contacts have any Covid-19 symptoms.
  • Full compliance with both government and Irish Sailing guidelines at each designated stage is expected and the guidance provided is not an a la carte menu.
  • Take no chances, be safe.

Social Distancing & Etiquette:

  • As Lift-In has yet to occur, there is less general circulation space available.
  • It is therefore essential that we adhere to appropriate social distancing at all times.
  • Practical guidance such as on-site signage indicating appropriate circulation routes in and around the forecourt and slip will be provided to assist members.
  • Maintain a 2 metre space between you and others.
  • Try to anticipate the movements of others in this regard.
  • Do not shake hands or make close contact with others.
  • Wash or sanitize your hands prior to and after touching ‘public’ RSGYC property.
  • Sanitiser will be provided in higher risk locations however you are advised to bring your own sanitiser for added personal protection.
  • Do not touch other people’s property.
  • Avoid touching your face and or mouth.
  • Cough in your elbow.

Access to the Club

  • Access to the club for sailing or boat maintenance in Phase 1 will solely be prior appointment.
  • Access to the club will be solely via the pedestrian side gate with the adjoining main gate to remain locked. There is no access to the club from the main door and no vehicles are permitted on the ramp or forecourt area.
  • Upon arrival and as you leave, please use the hand sanitizer provided at the gate.
  • If the gate is not manned, please call the number listed to have the gate opened.
  • A member of the team will open the gate and/ ‘sign you in’.
  • Please make your way to your boat adhering to Social Distancing guidelines


  • The Boathouse will be closed for member access. Limited boathouse staff will be on duty strictly adhering to social distancing guidelines.

Equipment & Tools

  • Members are reminded to bring with them any tools & equipment that they may require.


  • Water will be available to clean and wash down boats, however no hoses will be available. We recommend members bring their own hose or bucket & sponge as needed.

Changing Rooms & Facilities

  • Please be advised that normal toilet facilities will not be available at this time.
  • Emergency facilities including first aid will be available as necessary.
  • The Club House & Changing facilities will remain closed until further notice.

Working on your Boat

  • We note that all boats currently accommodated on the hard are situated in close physical proximity to one another.
  • Accordingly, forecourt access will be limited by the number of owners & crews that can work at any one time.
  • Boat owners will not be able to work on their boat at the same time as the owner of the boat next to them.
  • The maximum number of persons working on a boat at any one time is two.

Designated Work Slots

  • Work slots will be allocated to ensure appropriate social distancing between boats with Morning (0900-1330), Afternoon (1400-1930) slots available.
  • Please confirm the required date and slot preference when requesting access.

Booking Process

  • Access must be requested at least 24 hours in advance of your requested date using the online Appointment Request Form using the button below. 
  • Contact details of your crew (name and phone number) must be provided to comply with Contact Tracing requirements.
  • Confirmation of the slot will be sent to you by the Sailing Office.
  • In the event that you cannot attend your designated slot, please advise the Sailing Office as soon as possible and we will endeavour to provide you with an alternative time and or offer your slot to another member.
  • Please note that swapping of slots between members is not permitted.
  • We will endeavour to facilitate all requests once appropriate social distancing can be maintained
  • Wheelbarrows will be available outside the Boathouse to bring / remove items to / from your boat. A sanitizing solution will be provided in each wheelbarrow to ensure appropriate hygiene is maintained.

Click here to request an appointment

Questions? Please email the Sailing Office or call us on 083-368 9727.

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