Channel: Sailing News – Royal St George Yacht Club
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Sailing (Pre-Lift In)


Limited Sailing activity commenced on May 18th on a strictly pre-booked basis and restricted to single handed sailing and multi-handed sailing from the same household.

Subject to the availability, sailing slots can now be booked up to close of business on the preceding day.

In order to comply with Contact Tracing requirements and to ensure a safe environment for both members and staff, we would like to remind all members that all visits to the club during Phase 1 must be by pre-appointment and registration via the button below. 

Visitors seeking access to the club for either Sailing, Boat Maintenance or Meal Collection purposes and who have not pre-registered may not be permitted to the club or may face delay in accessing the club.

All booking must contain full details of all parties accessing the club and not just those of the lead person or member.

Your continued support & assistance in ensuring that the club remains a safe environment for all during this pandemic is greatly appreciated

Fundamental Principles

Phase 1 of the “Irish Sailing Return to Sailing’‘ Scheme is designed to allow the safe return to our sport on a gradual basis commencing 18th May and includes 4 Fundamental Principles affecting your decision to go afloat:

  • Compliance with current Covid 19 restrictions
  • Personal Responsibility – for your own safety and compliance
  • Self Help – alternative means of safely returning to shore
  • Risk Assessment – assisting the decision making process

Pre-Lift In Capacity

Having regard to the extensive current use of the forecourt area for winter boat storage, single handed sailing and multi-handed sailing from the same household is available on a limited and pre-booked basis for boats currently in the club. 

Summer dinghy & boat parking for member’s boats not currently stored in the club will be facilitated following Lift-In when increased circulation space and dinghy sailing capacity will be available.

Risk Assessment

For Free Sailing / Cruising activities, the Irish Sailing Risk Assessment should be completed and retained by each participant prior to sailing.

For Supervised activities including Clinics & Training, the Irish Sailing Risk Assessment should be completed by the organiser  and submitted to the Sailing Manager in advance.

Lift In 2020

Lift-In is due to take place on Saturday June 6th and will require the removal of all dinghies (except Optimists) on the forecourt no later than the 31st May. If you can remove your boat sooner than that it would be greatly appreciated. 

If you are unable to remove your boat by this date please contact the Sailing Office to advise as there will be limited off site storage available on the Carlisle Pier. More details here:

Boat Collection

To comply with Social Distancing Guidelines pre booking of a 30 minute collection slot is required. To book a collection slot please use the boat colletion button below . Collection of boats is available any day  up to and on the 31st of May. In order to comply with Social Distancing Requirements and to maintain adequate circulation space it is necessary to pre- book your collection time slot. Please note also that we are required to log each person on the Club premises on any date for Contact Tracing requirements- hence the importance of pre- booking. 

Return to Sailing

In order to return to sailing at the RSGYC, we require you to please confirm that you have read, understood and will adhere to Irish Sailing & RSGYC Guidelines. This agreement will form part of the booking process and should be at the forefront of all members wishing to return to the water.

Booking Process – Sailing

In order to return to sailing at the RSGYC you must confirm your agreement to comply with the Irish Sailing and Club Guidance. This will be provided for in the booking form (linked at the bottom of this page).

  • Any sailing activity must be pre-booked using the online link available from the Sailing Office up to 1700 on the day preceeding your requested sailing slot.
  • Name & Contact details of the sailor and or crew(s) must be provided to comply with Contact Tracing requirements.
  • You will receive confirmation by email of your sailing slot.
  • In the event that you cannot attend your designated slot, please advise the Sailing Office as soon as possible.
  • Please note that swapping of slots between members is not permitted.
  • We will endeavour to facilitate all requests but ask for your patience and understanding in the initial period prior to Lift-In as capacity is limited.

Sailors Under 18

Subject to availability, Free Sailing comprising a Parent and Under 18 (Child) Sailor may be facilitated provided the Child is fully supervised at all times.

Free Sailing of Under 18 Child Sailors without a parent is not permitted in Phase 1

Designated Sailing Slots

  • Sailing slots will be allocated based on safe capacity and will include the principles of staggered launches and limited group numbers to ensure appropriate social distancing.
  • Sailing slots of up to 3 hours will be provided and may be amended subject to demand and capacity.
  • Review of practicalities associated with launch & coming ashore (to limit overlap)

Upon Arrival to the RSGYC Gates

  • Please use the sanitiser provided both outside and inside the gate
  • If the gate in not attended, please call the number on the notice to request access.
  • Please check in with the Warden who will note your attendance. Ensure that your crew/ companions are also checked in.
  • Please do not open the gate for fellow Club members as they are required to follow the same process. 

Rigging & Derigging

Social Distancing guidelines must be adhered to while rigging & derigging. Please rig your boat in situ. Please ensure that your boat does not cause any obstruction by moving to an area that social distancing can be followed. Briefing, rigging, and launching boats ashore should apply the two-metre safe distancing rule with same households working together where possible.

Sailing Gear

As changing rooms are unavailable, sailors should come to the club in their sailing gear.    We strongly recommend the use of full fingered gloves for all sailors. These should be worn while launching and recovery and any time that you might come into contact with equipment/ surfaces that other sailors may also use.

Launch & Recovery

There will be a one way system for launch and recovery from the Slipway. Boats should follow the down (launch), and up (recover) arrows when on the slipway. Ensure a limited number of boats on the slipway to facilitate Social Distancing. Guidance will be provided to provide safe & appropriate launch & recovery including launching trolleys.

Wash down of boats

Initially there will be no water hoses at the top of the slip in order to minimise chances of cross contamination. Water will be available for buckets from all taps on the Forecourt.

Changing Rooms & Facilities

The Club House & Changing facilities will remain closed until further notice. Please be advised that normal toilet facilities will not be available at this time. Emergency facilities including first aid will be available as necessary.

Club Ribs

A limited number of Club Ribs are available for member use on a pre- booked basis. 

Click here to request a sailing time

Click here to request a boat collection time

Questions? Please email the Sailing Office or call us on 083 368 9727

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